Whelan Builders Blog

Understanding the Cost of a Kitchen Remodel

kitchen remodeling St Charles IL

Are you considering remodeling your kitchen in St. Charles, IL, but unsure about the costs involved? Kitchen remodels vary widely in price. We’ll explore what goes into determining the cost of a kitchen remodel and provide some general pricing guidelines. When planning a kitchen remodel for your home, you can estimate your price tag by considering the scope of your project. 

What is the Scope of Your Kitchen Remodel? 

The scope of a kitchen remodel falls into one of two categories: 

  • Small/Minor: A kitchen remodel is considered small when you update the kitchen’s existing parts rather than replacing them. The cupboards may be painted. Floors might be replaced. Everything changed is topical or superficial, which reduces the cost. 
  • Large/Major: An extensive kitchen remodel means you’re renovating everything. You’re updating outlets, changing appliances, and ripping out counters and cupboards. A large or significant kitchen remodel may include redesigning the layout of the entire kitchen. It completely overhauls the room. 

What is the Square Footage of Your St. Charles, IL kitchen? 

The second thing that adds to the cost of a kitchen remodel in your St. Charles, IL, home is square footage. You may get material discounts by ordering more of it, but big kitchens equal higher costs. Talk to your contractor about your materials’ price per square foot and look for alternative materials for cost savings. Remember, luxury breaks price ceilings in kitchen remodels.

The answer is less predictable if you wonder how much your luxury kitchen remodel will cost. It can be as expensive as you want to make it. If the sky’s the limit, you probably aren’t worrying about your kitchen remodeling budget, but your contractor should be able to give you an estimate. 

How Much Does a Kitchen Remodel Cost? 

Despite the many variables in every kitchen remodel, there are general estimates for how much a kitchen remodel costs. 

  • Average Minor Kitchen Remodel: $10,000-$20,000
  • Average Major Kitchen Remodel: $40,000-$50,000
  • Upscale Minor Kitchen Remodel: $50,000+
  • Upscale Major Kitchen Remodel: $100,000+

These numbers are unreliable based on the infinite variations of different kitchen sizes and personal preferences. However, a person can expect to have kitchen remodeling options that fit within these price frames. The most important thing to remember, at least for those with budget concerns, is to look for alternatives that fit within your budget instead of overextending yourself. A kitchen remodel is much less enjoyable if it isn’t affordable.

We’d love to help you with your kitchen remodel in St. Charles, IL. Reach out to Ellie by phone at 630.356.4441 or by email ellie.whelanbuilders@gmail.com, to get the conversation started.

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