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Kitchen Remodel Do’s and Don’ts

Beginning a kitchen remodel in your St. Charles, IL home is exciting and fun. You’ll select wall colors, countertops, cupboards, and more. Those who have completed a kitchen remodel know how wonderful it can be, but they also know that there are plenty of mistakes one can make along the way. That is why we have compiled this short list of kitchen remodel do’s and don’ts. 

Kitchen Remodel Do’s

Prioritize lighting: When it comes to lighting, aesthetics are important, but so is function. You want your countertops lighted, not shadowed. This can be a challenge with certain lights that are beautiful but cast a shadow whenever anyone uses a prep surface. Having adequate lighting in your kitchen can not only improve the kitchen’s looks but its functionality as well. Ensure your lighting isn’t a disappointment when you put your kitchen to use by planning ahead. 

Plan around appliances: Believe it or not, you want to plan your St. Charles, IL kitchen remodel around your appliances. This is because cutouts and spaces may have to be customized to fit your appliances, this is especially true for older homes. It may seem backward, but you will want to think of these things so you don’t have to make last-minute adjustments or reorder cabinets or countertops, which would be costly mistakes. 

Consider durability: Cutting corners is not a good idea in a kitchen remodel. Cheap countertops scratch and crack and poorly-made fixtures will wear out prematurely. Solid materials will increase your kitchen remodel’s longevity and limit the number of replacements you will need to make over time. If you want your kitchen remodel to last, invest in quality materials that are meant to stand the test of time. Talk to your contractor about different price points of your chosen materials – you don’t have to buy the most expensive. Your contractor can help you decide what will fit your needs the best. 

Add technology: Whether it is USB outlets, smart switches, or central vac, adding technology to your St. Charles IL, kitchen remodel makes it convenient and user-friendly. Plus, having new gadgets integrated into your kitchen can be fun. 

Kitchen Remodel Don’ts

Skip storage: Color and design are the fun parts of a kitchen remodel, but your St. Charles, IL kitchen also needs storage. This means countertops, a pantry, and plenty of cupboard space for your small appliances and cooking needs. Not having enough storage can make your kitchen look crowded, overshadowing all the beautiful additions you made. You can’t really have too much storage in the kitchen. 

Neglect to budget: The reality of budgets can stifle dreams of a kitchen remodel, but they are necessary. Instead of hating your budget limitations, look for ways to maximize your budget. A kitchen remodel is supposed to be an exciting project that should increase your home’s appeal, not financially hurt you. Work with your contractor to closely monitor and manage your budget, you may be able to afford more than you think! The last thing you want it to to be unable to finish due to overspending. 

Ignore workflow: Aesthetics can get in the way of design when it doesn’t consider function – workflow is part of a kitchen’s function. Pay attention to fridge, stove, and dishwasher placement. Make sure prep area placement makes sense. A remodel is a chance to make your St. Charles IL, kitchen an easy and comfortable place to make meals. 

Think short-term: A boldly-colored kitchen may be what you want now, but what about a few years from now? Consider any non-neutral colors for walls or other less-permanent places in the kitchen that can be changed relatively easily. Is there a chance you’ll have to sell your home in the next few years? Thinking ahead into what will appeal to other buyers is a good strategy.

DIY outside of your ability: Lastly, hire a residential contractor instead of taking your DIY project too far. Your kitchen remodel should look perfectly finished and not pose a threat to anyone who uses it, so use professionals and be sure your remodel is done correctly. Remember, a poorly done remodel isn’t just an eyesore, it also detracts from the value of your home and can cause problems with inspections. Make sure you get professional consultation when planning and performing your kitchen remodeling project.  

Kitchen Remodels with No Regrets

If you pay attention to this list of kitchen remodel do’s and don’ts, you’ll be able to have a St. Charles, IL kitchen remodel with no regrets. Don’t be left with costly mistakes or repairs following a remodel. Plan ahead, and watch your kitchen transform into something very close to perfection.

We’d love to talk to you if you’re ready for your St. Charles, Il kitchen remodel; call us today at 630-356-4441 or email ellie.whelanbuilders@gmail.com

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